Can I keep it?
a Picture Book project
Hana adopted a caterpillar and called it Guga, in the way learned the meaning of commitment and the beauty of unexpected transformations when Guga leaves the cocoon to be something... "slightly" different to a colourful butterfly.
The motivation behind this book is my love for animals and the sad reality of shelters and streets around the world. It is estimated that around 20% of pets are abandoned after they have been adopted, principally because the expectative of having a pet didn't contemplate the changes when they grow, loss of interest or the lack of pedigree. This book aims to encourage the life-long commitment that adoption is and the beauty of the relationship we can nurture with our little pet friends.

if you want to see the Dummy Book contact me.

Cover Mock-up

Hana character design sketches

Sketches of backgrounds and Guga